POST-ARDEX REVIEW MEETING JAKARTA, 20-04-17. The ASEAN Regional Disaster Emergency Response Simulation Exercise (ARDEX) is a signature exercise of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) which aims to test, practice and review ASEAN’s disaster management and emergency response mechanisms. The most recent ARDEX was held in Brunei Darussalam on 28 November 2016.   Today,…

The AHA Centre Annual Report 2020

1 FOREWORD 2 TRANSFORMATION THROUGH ADVERSITY 3 DISASTER COORDINATION 4 DISASTER MONITORING AND ANALYSIS 5 KNOWLEDGE AND OUTREACH 6 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 7 PARTNERSHIPS 8 FINANCE Download Full Document 1 FOREWORD Chair of the AHA Centre Governing Board USEC. RICARDO B. JALAD Executive Director National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council and Administrator, Office of…